AGM 2021

Rett Syndrome Society of BC- AGM

Date and Time: Sunday May 2nd, 2021 at 7:30 pm

Location/Platform: Zoom

Zoom Link and Itinerary TBA

The Rett Syndrome Society of BC is proud to present our Annual General Meeting! All active members and any interested members of the public should and are encouraged to attend. This is a chance to have your voice heard, get up to date information of all the work that the Rett Syndrome Society of British Columbia have been up to and vote in new or returning board members. 
All members will receive a zoom link by email closer to the date. If you do not receive the email, would like to get involved, or have any questions please email the RSSBC team at

Hope to you see you there!

-The RSSBC Team

Welcome to our new website!

Christinea Walker

I would like to take a minute and say thank you for visiting our website. Learning about Rett Syndrome can feel daunting regardless of the reasons you are doing so. However, know that you are not alone. We at R.S.S.B.C. are here to support you whether you have a relative with Rett Syndrome, are a friend supporting a family with a child with Rett Syndrome,  are seeking volunteer opportunities or you simply just want to learn about it. 

Whatever the reason we thank you for taking the time to learn more about Rett Syndrome. This disorder is complex and changes lives but we have seen some amazing resilience grown from it. Not just in the children affected by it but rather their entire communities, including parents, siblings, relatives, friends, teachers, therapists and so many more. Each child is unique and special just like all of us. Their journeys may look different and take a few extra twists and turns but all any parent wants is for their child to be loved and included within their own communities. If you are reading this website and letter, you are part of that community for someone very special regardless of whether you know them yet or not. 

Our website was built to allow anyone to access information about Rett Syndrome, our society and resources that families can take advantage of. If after looking on our website you still have questions we encourage anyone to contact us. We would be happy to speak to anyone interested in Rett Syndrome.

Christinea Walker